The Dog and the Dove / قصيدة الكلب و الحمامة

by Ahmed Shawki
translated by Sandy Botros

The Dog and the Dove

This is the tale of the dog and the dove
Which is a testimony to both of their noble characters
It has been said that while the dog was once asleep
In his luxurious copse
A snake, came sneaking from behind him
Fully expanded like the devil
And as it was about to attack the faithful one,
The kind-hearted dove took pity on the dog
And descended down to rescue him.
The Dove pecked him hard with her beak
To arouse him from his sleep.
He thanked God for his safety
And felt gratitude toward the Dove.
As time went by
One day, hunters came to the orchard
The dog ran to the tree
Where the dove was perching
To warn her of the danger
Like she alerted him before.
He used his barking as an indicator
She understood the message
And flew to escape impending doom
This is what gratefulness is
People should stand by one another
Moreover, whoever helps others in their time of need
Will receive assistance when needed

- Sandy Botros

قصيدة الكلب و الحمامة

حِكايَةُ الكَلبِ مَعَ الحَمامَه
تَشهَدُ لِلجِنسَينِ بِالكَرامَه
يُقالُ كانَ الكَلبُ ذاتَ يَومِ
بَينَ الرِياضِ غارِقاً في النَومِ
فَجاءَ مِن وَرائِهِ الثُعبانُ
مُنتَفِخاً كَأَنَّهُ الشَيطانُ
وَهَمَّ أَن يَغدِرَ بِالأَمينِ
فَرَقَّتِ الوَرقاءُ لِلمِسكينِ
وَنَزَلَت توّاً تُغيثُ الكَلبا
وَنَقَرَتهُ نَقرَةً فَهَبّا
فَحَمَدَ اللَهَ عَلى السَلامَه
وَحَفِظَ الجَميلَ لِلحَمامَه
إِذ مَرَّ ما مَرَّ مِنَ الزَمانِ
ثُمَّ أَتى المالِكُ لِلبُستانِ
فَسَبَقَ الكَلبُ لِتِلكَ الشَجَرَه
لِيُنذِرَ الطَيرَ كَما قَد أَنذَرَه
وَاِتَّخَذَ النَبحَ لَهُ عَلامَه
فَفَهِمَت حَديثَهُ الحَمامَه
وَأَقلَعَت في الحالِ لِلخَلاصِ
فَسَلِمَت مِن طائِرِ الرَصاصِ
هَذا هُوَ المَعروفُ يَا أَهلَ الفِطَن
الناسُ بِالناسِ وَمَن يُعِن يُعَن

- احمد شوقي


Things Don’t Happen Twice / Nic Dwa Razy Się Nie Zda­rza